Oktober, 2023

30Okt20:3022:00Welcoming God in Every Moment.Free Gathering with Andreas Prohl and kironJ Gardner


‚We do not choose the way in which we go to Him. 
But we do choose to let Him come..
And in our quiet hearts and open minds, His Love will blaze its pathway of itself‘
Andreas and kironJ extend a warm invitation to join them
in conversation about welcoming God
Andreas and kironJ will talk about their experiences of the welcome
followed by 10 minutes silent joining and then sharing from participants
‚Each instant given unto God in passing, with the next one given Him already, 
is a time of your release from sadness, pain and even death itself‘
Monday 30th October
7.30pm – 9pm UK time
20.30-22.00 Berlin time
To book, please email kironJ
kironJ is an ACIM teacher and speaker with a passion for an experiential approach to studying A Course in Miracles,
supporting students to welcome miracles into their relationships and their thinking.
kironJ has worked with many other teachers, including Andreas,
and feels deeply inspired to collaborate and join in service of the healing of our minds.
Andreas began his ACIM journey in 2006 in Australia.
The book came alive and soon it was obvious that he wanted to share its incredible message.
Today Andreas conveys the teachings of A Course in Miracles on social media, workshops, retreats, and international platforms.
He shares the tremendous joy of coming Home. He is co-founder of Aleph Academy and considers himself blessed to be part of an amazing team organizing daily Course sessions.


(Montag) 20:30 - 22:00

