Oktober, 2020
25Okt20:0021:30Trio of Teachers "The Present Moment" with KironJ, Corinne Zupko and Andreas Pröhl
Three teachers of A Course in Miracles invite you! Corinne Zupko, Andreas Prohl and kironJ Gardner welcome you to this demonstration of the power
Three teachers of A Course in Miracles invite you!
Corinne Zupko, Andreas Prohl and kironJ Gardner
welcome you to this demonstration of the power and beauty
of the present moment.
We will have 10 minutes silent joining
30 minutes unprepared conversation between Corinne, Andreas and kironJ
30 minutes sharing from participants
This is a wonderful opportunity to practice speaking „from Spirit“.
Corinne, Andreas and kironJ are feeling truly inspired by this opportunity,
and are inviting participants to also speak „from Spirit“.
We will trust that Spirit is directing in every moment
and that our communication will be perfect healing for all.
If you ever get caught up in speaking too quickly, not being guided in your words,
this demonstration from speakers and participants may be a perfect reset.
May our holy purpose be a herald of eternity
Date: Sunday 25th October 2020
Time: 20 – 21.30Uhr
Registration: andreas.proehl@gmail.com
Participation fee: please choose freely between 10€, 15€, 20€ according to what you want to give.
Andreas Pröhl, Postbank
IBAN: DE43 4401 0046 0340 9294 69
PayPal: www.paypal.me/AndreasProehl
Corinne Zupko, Ed.S., is the author of the bestselling and multi-award-winning book, „From Anxiety to Love.“ She began her work with A Course in Miracles in 1997 after struggling with multiple anxiety disorders, and now lives free from debilitating anxiety solely due to the Course. Corinne is a keynote speaker, professor, counselor and coach, and teaches mindfulness meditation classes at Bank of America.
Andreas Pröhl is the founder and organiser of the international ACIM Festival „The Miracle of Bath Meinberg“ in Germany. The Festival as well as the A Course in Miracles Documentary „All You Need is Love“ have been inspired by a sense of adventure and trust in the miracle. Andreas teaches the Course in live-streams, workshops and conferences with a clear emphasis on the present awakening.
kironJ is an A Course in Miracles teacher and healer based in the UK. She is passionate about an experiential approach to ACIM, working with groups in the UK and internationally, and offering webinars and online 1-1 spiritual support. Facebook.com/kironjgardner is dedicated to the Course.
(Sontag) 20:00 - 21:30